Posted: 01 Oct 2015 03:22 PM PDT
It’s hard to believe
that approximately one in every two people will
develop some form of cancer within their lifetime. As
a result, cancer awareness has skyrocketed. Millions
of people around the globe are helping to raise money
and awareness for cancer and cancer treatment. This
overwhelming support from the public just goes to show
how many good hearts are out there, and in no way
should we dismiss that generous spirit. There are,
however, some important facts relating to this
disease about which many people are still unaware.
While it is of course
disturbing that cancer rates are at all time time
high, the prevalence of this disease is causing people
to take notice and to question, which is always a good
thing. People are becoming more aware of the disease,
looking into alternative treatment options and trying
to determine the cause of this illness. People are
starting to wonder why so many of us are so sick. So
despite how gloomy it may appear, there is hope for
all of us.
The 5
facts about cancer below are indeed disturbing, but
what’s even more disturbing is the fact hat nobody
even talks about them. If we want to get to the root
of this disease, ignorance is not the answer.
Hopefully this article helps you learn some important
information about cancer that you probably won’t hear
much about in the mainstream. If you want to find out
what your personal cancer risk is, you can find out
Questionable Cancer Research/Fraud
Linus Pauling, Ph.D, and two time Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, has revealed: “Everyone should know that most cancer research is largely a fraud, and that the major cancer research organizations are derelict in their duties to the people who support them.” (source)(source)
He is considered one of
the most important scientists in history. He is one of
the founders of quantum chemistry and molecular
biology, and was also a well known peace activist. He
was invited to be in charge of the Chemistry Division
of the Manhattan Project, but refused. He has also
done a lot of work on military applications, and has
pretty much done and seen it all in the scientific
field, so his words are not to be taken lightly.
And it’s not just
Pauling making these kinds of statements. Many other
well respected scientists, who are definitely in a
position to know about this type of thing, have made
similar statements. For example, Dr. Marcia Angell, a
physician and longtime Editor in Chief of the New
England Medical Journal (NEMJ), which is
considered to be one of the most prestigious
peer-reviewed medical journals in the world, said
It is simply no longer possible to believe
much of the clinical research that is published, or
to rely on the judgement of trusted physicians or
authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure
in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and
reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the
New England Journal Of Medicine. (source)
Dr. Richard Horton,
Editor in Chief of another one of the world’s most
best known medical journals, The
Lancet, recently published a statement expressing
that a large quantity of published peer-reviewed
science is actually completely false. He revealed:
The case against science is straightforward:
much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may
simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small
sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory
analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest,
together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable
trends of dubious importance, science has taken a
turn towards darkness. (source)
A lot of the ‘credible’
research out there has been supported and funded by
the pharmaceutical companies themselves, and much of
it conflicts with the work of independent scientists
from all over the world.
The field of U.S. cancer care is organized
around a medical monopoly that ensures a continuous
flow of money to the pharmaceutical companies,
medical technology firms, research institutes, and
government agencies such as the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) and the National Cancer
Institute (NCI) and quasi-public organizations such
as the American Cancer Society (ACS).
– Ralph Moss, Ph.D., quoted by John Diamond,
M.D., & Lee Cowden, M.D. in Alternative
Medicine: The Definitive Guide to Cancer
People Are Actually Having Success With Alternative Treatments
growing trend amongst people who have been diagnosed
with cancer is to seek out alternative treatment, and
this is largely because so many people have reported
solid success rates. We can also attribute this shift
to the vast amount of published scientific literature
pointing people in this direction. For example, here is a quick video clip of Dr.
Christina Sanchez, a molecular biologist who explains
the power of THC. Other ingredients within cannabis
have also been shown to annihilate cancer tumours. Here is an older article with just
a few out of hundreds of studies sourced, just to give
you an idea. It’s worrying that no human clinical
trials have been conducted on the use of cannabis to
treat cancer, despite the fact that scientists have
known for decades that it is effective.
Mykala Comstock is a wonderful
example of cannabis’ efficacy; she had T-cell acute
lymphoblastic leukaemia, a very rare and aggressive
form of childhood leukaemia. In July of 2012, doctors
discovered a basketball-sized mass of lymphoblasts in
her chest. Her mass was so large that she was not able
to be sedated for risk of death from the pressure on
her esophagus and heart.
More people are to
turning to other herbal remedies as well. Research has
shown that artemisinin, found in various
plants, can also kill cancer cells.
Dietary changes are also
taking a more prominent role in alternative cancer
treatment. Chris Wark, a man who had stage 3
colon cancer, credits his recovery to a vegan
The point is,
these stories are out there, and so is the science to
back them up. It makes you wonder why these aren’t
considered mainstream treatment suggestions? Perhaps
it has something to do with the fact that these
treatments cannot be patented?
There are only two
approved treatments for cancer — radiation and
Our Toxic Environment
“How could we have ever believed that it was a
good idea to grow our food with poisons?” –
Jane Goodall
Billions of pounds of
toxic chemicals are sprayed on our food and in the
environment every single year. We’re talking about
organophosphates, chemicals that were used to kill
people in warfare during WW2. After decades of
spraying, a number of alarming studies have been
published which lead to many of these chemicals being
completely banned.
Children today are sicker than they were a
generation ago. From childhood cancers to autism,
birth defects and asthma, a wide range of childhood
diseases and disorders are on the rise. Our
assessment of the latest science leaves little room
for doubt; pesticides are one key driver of this
sobering trend. – October 2012 report by
Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA) (source)(source)
Yet only recently did the
World Health Organization admit that glyphosate, the
most active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup
herbicide, can cause cancer. (source) A number of countries
around the world have also banned glyphosate. Sri
Lanka, for example, decided to completely ban it
after their scientists discovered that it was linked
to chronic kidney disease. (source)(source) It has also been completely
banned in various countries across Europe.
As far as pesticide
accumulation in the body goes, a recent study
conducted by researchers from RMIT university,
published in the journal Environmental
Research, found that an organic diet for just one
week significantly reduced pesticide exposure in
adults by 90 percent. (source)
Cynthia Curl, an
assistant professor in the School of Allied Health
Sciences Department of Community and Environmental
Health at Boise State University, recently published a
pesticide exposure study in the
journal Environmental Health Perspectives.
Results of her research indicated
that among individuals eating similar amounts of
vegetables and fruits, the ones who reported eating
organic produce had significantly lower OP pesticide
exposure than those who normally consume
conventionally grown produce.These studies are important because the pesticides sprayed on our food are also very toxic and have been linked to a number of diseases, like cancer. Why are we consuming chemicals that were used to kill people in warfare? How can we possibly justify such irresponsible behaviour?
And the problem extends further than simply what is being put on our food. Our food itself has been genetically modified by biotech companies, to the point where it bears little resemblance to its natural form, and is equally unrecognizable by our bodies. These companies incorporate genes from one species into a completely unrelated species. (source) This, according to many, is bad science.
The problem is this, geneticists follow
the inheritance of genes in what we call a vertical
fashion … within a species. What biotechnology
allows us to do is to take genes from this organism
and move it in what we call horizontally into a
totally unrelated species…. What biotechnology
allows us to do is to switch genes from one to the
other without regard for the biological
constraints…. It’s very very bad science. We assume
that the principles governing the inheritance of
genes vertically applies when you move
genes laterally or horizontally.
There’s absolutely no reason to make that
conclusion. – David Suzuki, geneticist,
activist, and environmentalist (source)
no studies have been cited by global health
authorities which prove the longterm safety of GMOs
on our health. This is not good science, and we know
for a fact that GMOs are harmful to other
animals which we have tested them on. For
example, the chronic toxicity study examined the
health impacts of eating commercialized genetically
modified (GM) maize, alongside Monsanto’s NK603
glyphosate-based herbicide Roundup, on rats.The study
found severe liver and kidney damage as well as
hormonal disturbances in rats fed with GM maize in
conjunction with low levels of Roundup — levels which
were below those permitted in most drinking water
across Europe. Results also indicated high rates of
large tumors and mortality in most treatment groups.
You can read more about
that here.
Other studies have found issues
with GM foods and pesticides appearing in maternal and
fetal blood.
As part of the process, they portrayed the
various concerns as merely the ignorant opinions of
misinformed individuals – and derided them as not
only unscientific, but anti-science.
They then set to work to convince the public and
government officials, through the dissemination of
false information, that there was an overwhelming
expert consensus, based on solid evidence, that GMOs
were safe. – Jane
Goodall (source)
These examples barely
even scratch the surface of carcinogens we are exposed
to. Cosmetics, flame retardants, everyday household
products — these are all a concern. It’s not a mystery
why cancer rates are so high, but we never really talk
about the issue in this way. Waster fluoridation is
another example. Fluoride was recently categorized
officially as a neurotoxin.
In point of fact, fluoride causes more human
cancer deaths than any other chemical. When you
have power you don’t have to tell the truth.
That’s a rule that’s been working in this world
for generations. There are a great many people who
don’t tell the truth when they are in power in
administrative positions. This amounts to public
murder on a grand scale, it is a public crime. …
It is some of the most conclusive bits of
scientific and biological evidence that I have
come across in my 50 years in the field of cancer
research. (source)
– Dr. Dean Burk, Biochemist, Founder
of Biotin, and Former Chief Chemist at the National
Cancer Institute of Heal
Cancer Charity Fraud
Brooklyn-based National Children’s Leukemia Foundation
has been shut down. This comes years after they raised
millions of dollars through professionally run
fundraisers. They lured people in, claiming that the
funds would be used to conduct cancer research and
locate bone marrow donors, while they ran their “Make
a Dream Come True” campaign. (source)(source)
This is disturbing
information, but it’s not the first time that a major
cancer charity has been called into question, not by a
long shot. For example, a complaint filed by the
Federal Trade Commission describes four connected
groups, all with cancer in their name, as “sham
charities,” saying they instead “operated as personal
fiefdoms characterized by rampant nepotism, flagrant
conflicts of interest, and excessive insider
compensation.” One of those names was the Cancer Fund
of America Inc. These groups stand accused of taking
in almost 200 million dollars. (source)
You can read more about
that here .
Cancer Prevention
It’s remarkable how much
time we spend raising money for cancer
treatment without ever speaking about cancer
prevention. With out toxic environment, there are a
number of things you can do to minimize your risk of
developing cancer.
So what can you do? Stop
buying household cleaning products with toxic,
carcinogenic chemicals. Do your research, ask around.
Stop eating foods that are sprayed with pesticides, or
at least properly soak and clean your fruits and
vegetables for a decent amount of time before
consuming them. Indeed, eat more fruits and vegetables
to begin with. Exercise more, engage in
activities/experiences that make you feel good and
bring you joy — these are all simple steps we can take
to show our bodies the love they deserve.
Again, I would emphasize
diet, as a lot of what we are put into our bodies on a
weekly basis isn’t healthy at all.
For example…
“Studies are confirming the health benefits of
meat-free eating. Nowadays, plant-based eating is
recognized as not only nutritionally sufficient but
also as a way to reduce the risk for many chronic
illnesses.” – Harvard Medical School (source)
Be Sure To Check Out The Truth About Cancer
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